During the current unprecedented healthcare crisis due to COVID-19, hospital administrators and bedside physicians and nurses are dealing with the daunting prospect of prioritizing ventilator triage. While attempting to handle unmanageable surges in patient volume with an inadequate supply of critical resources, hospitals and states are developing ventilator triage guidelines in accordance with carefully considered ethical and other factors. The chaotic circumstances that may arise any time ventilator triage needs to be considered demands that hospitals have effective tools at their disposal which enhance their ability to follow their own triage policy with the highest accuracy possible. The OnServiceMD Ventilator Allocation Support Module supports hospitals during this critical time of need.
OnService Solutions released a ventilator allocation tool designed to assist Hospital Command Centers and Ventilator Allocation Triage Teams in organizing their triage process. The OnServiceMD Ventilator Allocation Support Module tracks ventilator resources with an intuitive dashboard that provides actionable data-guiding ventilator allocation information, tracks those patients that are at risk for ventilator requirements, and allocates ventilators in accordance with each hospital’s own ventilator triage algorithm.
To ensure that there are no financial barriers to implementing such a critical tool, OnService Solutions is offering the OnServiceMD Ventilator Allocation Support Module to any hospital for a $1,000 initiation fee and a $150 monthly fee thereafter. Clients can cancel their subscription at any time. OnService Solutions will implement the tool at no cost for any critical access hospitals or hospitals facing a severe financial crisis.
Further, OnService Solutions is also offering its Scheduling Module, included with implementation of the Ventilator Allocation Support Module, for 6 months at no additional cost. During this time of unprecedented surges in inpatient volume, hospital services need tools to quickly accommodate such surges through rapid and seamless communication with staff, by automatically tracking all open shifts, and by giving providers tools to automatically view and sign up for the increasing number of open shifts. OnServiceMD provides these important features, allowing service leaders to automatically reach out (text/email) to any available providers, enabling all providers to access and sign up for any open shifts, and tracking a service’s current or future scheduling position.
For further information, please complete the contact form here, and you will receive a response within 24 hours.
Note: The OnServiceMD Ventilator Allocation Support Module provides hospitals and other healthcare facilities a tool to track and allocate their ventilators based on each hospital’s specific ventilator triage algorithm. Each client must establish its settings for priority scoring systems and other factors prior to the tool becoming operational. OnService Solutions does not specifically endorse any priority scoring system or algorithm.